General Purposes committee
Overall objectives
The General Purposes Committee is responsible for overseeing general maintenance and associated projects within the Town. The Committee ensures that Winchcombe is an attractive place to live and visit by continual monitoring of the street furniture and replacement, renewal, or additions, where necessary. The Committee has responsibility for the maintenance and running of the public conveniences in Back Lane Car Park.
Areas of responsibility
- Ensuring there are sufficient dog and litter bins within the Town and that they are in a good state of repair
- Ordering and replenishment of dog bags
- Ensuring that there are sufficient salt bins and that they are positioned where they will be of maximum benefit
- Maintaining and monitoring the appearance of Ireley Coppice and Salt Tip
- Ensuring that the public conveniences in Back Lane Car Park are cleaned and maintained satisfactorily
- Ensuring that the Town’s street lighting is maintained in a state of good repair
- General maintenance within the Town and working with the Greening Group on appropriate projects to ensure the Town is attractive for both residents and visitors
- To work with other groups and interested bodies to make sure that Winchcombe remains a pleasant place in which to live, work and visit
Duties and powers
- To set the budget for the General Purposes Committee for the financial year
- To determine how to spend money within the budget of the General Purposes Committee on projects agreed by the Committee and, where necessary, full Council
- To agree projects ⁄ activities for the Committee on an annual basis to ensure that maintenance and improvement of Winchcombe continues in a co-ordinated manner
- To ensure that Winchcombe is well served with dog bins, salt bins and litter bins and that these remain in a good state of repair. Also to monitor our street lights to make sure that they are well maintained
- To ensure that areas of open space, but not playing fields, are maintained and remain attractive
- To oversee the running and maintenance of Winchcombe’s public conveniences.
- To co-ordinate any further projects that the Council agrees should come under the remit of the General Purposes Committee
Members of the General Purposes committee are:
*Committee Chair
Forthcoming General Purposes committee meeting
Wednesday, 12th March
Minutes of latest Finance committee meeting:
Wednesday, 27th November 2024
To view a list of archived minutes for the General Purposes committee, please click here
Minutes are archived online for upto two years, where available