Burial committee
Overall objectives
The Burial Committee is responsible for providing and maintaining burial facilities in the Parish of Winchcombe and the upkeep of the closed churchyard at St Peter’s Church.
Areas of responsibility
- To maintain a good standard of appearance in both the current cemetery and St Peter’s Churchyard
- To oversee development of any new cemetery within the Parish
- To ensure that all gravestones and trees are in a safe condition
Duties and powers
- To set the budget for the Burial Committee for the financial year
- To determine how to spend money within the budget of the Burial Committee on projects agreed by the Committee and, where necessary, full Council
- To keep records of all burials and interment of ashes and their locations
- To liaise with funeral directors appertaining to all interments
- To meet with funeral directors on the day of the funeral and collect the relevant documentation for forwarding on to the Registrar of Deaths
- To facilitate the purchase of all plots
- To organise annual tree inspections and five yearly topple testing of gravestones
- To annually review the Rules and Fees
Members of the Burial committee are:
*Committee Chair
Forthcoming Burial committee meeting
Thursday, 13th March
Minutes of latest Burial committee meeting:
Wednesday 20th November 2024
To view a list of archived minutes for the Burial committee, please click here
Minutes are archived online for upto two years, where available