Finance committee
Overall objectives
The Finance Committee is responsible for ensuring the Council’s financial affairs are administered in accordance with proper practices and the Council’s own Financial Regulations. The Committee will direct the Responsible Financial Officer (“RFO”) to ensure the RFO’s statutory duties are met and the Financial Regulations are adhered to. In addition, the Finance Committee has responsibilities for the management of the clerk and assistance clerk’s contract of employment.
Areas of responsibility
- Ensure that the Financial Regulations of the Council are complied with
- Ensure the clerk and assistant clerk’s contracts of employment are maintained and administered
- Facilitate the efficient day to day running of the council offices
- Consider expenditure on Special Items, in conjunction with full Council where appropriate
- Ensure adequate insurance is in place at all times
- Monitor earmarked reserves
- In accordance with the Financial Regulations, consider the risk management policy statements prepared by the Clerk and obtain approval by full council.
Duties and powers
In addition to those set out in the Financial Regulations:
- To set the budget for the Finance Committee for the financial year
- To determine how to spend money within the budget of the Finance Committee on projects agreed by the Committee and, where necessary, full Council
- To monitor and advise on external funding opportunities and liaise with appropriate Chairmen
Members of the Finance committee are:
*Committee Chair
Forthcoming Finance committee meetings:
No details currently available
Minutes of latest Finance committee meeting:
Tuesday, 8th October 2024
To view a list of archived minutes for the Finance committee, please click here
Minutes are archived online for upto two years, where available
Sections 20(2) and 25 of the Local Authority Audit and Accountability Act 2014
Accounta and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015 / 234)
The audit of accounts for Winchcombe Town Council has been completed and the accounts have been published
To view previous Notices of Conclusion of Audit, please click here To view a list of archived minutes for the Finance committee, please click here Other Documaents
Notices of Conclusion of Audit are archived online for upto five years, where available
Minutes are archived online for upto two years, where available
Quarterly Report: 1st April - 30th June 2024
Quarterly Report: 1st July - 30th September 2024