Winchcombe Town Council


Planning committee

The Planning Committee is responsible for all planning matters relating to Winchcombe.
A Chairman will be elected every year.
Minutes will be kept by the Clerk at all meetings.
A hard record of all applications, comments and results will be kept in the Town Council office - usually maintained by the Clerk.

Areas of responsibility, duties and powers

  • Read, discuss and comment on all applications within the time allowed
  • Meet at least twice in a month to ensure responses are given in time
  • Read, discuss and comment on all applications for Footpath alterations
  • Read, discuss and comment on proposed names for new developments
  • For contentious applications, allow the public time to speak before the Committee discusses and makes a decision
  • Refer applications for very large developments to Full Council, if time allows
  • Report on any possible contraventions to planning regulations to the Clerk in order for her to inform the appropriate department at Tewkesbury Borough Council
  • Receive a report from the Clerk on contraventions she has received from other Councillors
  • Report on application decisions from Tewkesbury Borough Council
  • Report on the position of contraventions from Tewkesbury Borough Council (not minuted as confidential information)
  • Decide on when and whether a Housing Needs Survey is required (usually every 4 years)
  • Update Winchcombe Town Design Statement as required

Members of the Planning committee are:

*Committee Chair

To view a list of archived minutes for the Planning committee, please click here
Minutes are archived online for upto two years, where available