Code of Conduct
Pursuant to section 27 of the Localism Act 2011, Winchcombe Town Council ('the Council') has adopted this Code of Conduct ("the Code") to promote and maintain high standards of behaviour by its Members and Co-opted Members whenever they conduct the business of the Council, including the business of the office to which they were elected or appointed, or when they claim to act or give the impression of acting as a representative of the Council. -
Community Engagement Statement
Consultation statement required under Regulation 15(1)(b) of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 -
Consultancy Advice on the Potential for Food Shopping in Winchcombe
Winchcombe Town Council has appointed England & Lyle to carry out a study of the potential for food shopping in Winchcombe -
Environmental Report (December 2014)
This Environmental Report is a companion document to our Neighbourhood Plan. It describes the relevant strategies, plans, policies, data and other evidence that have been taken into account in preparing the pre-submission draft Neighbourhood Plan that the Town Council and Sudeley Parish Meeting Chair have approved for public consultation -
Environmental Report (Supplementary)
Fees and Regulations for Winchcombe Cemetery, Greet Road, Winchcombe (from 1st April 2020)
The Regulations and Fees contained in this document relate to interments in The Winchcombe Cemetery -
Market Town Benchmarking
Measuring the performance of town centres -
Sustainability Scoping Report (early June 2014)
This Scoping Report is an element in the preparation of our Neighbourhood Plan
It describes relevant strategies, plans, policies, data and other evidence to be taken into account in preparing a draft Neighbourhood Plan for the Town
It paves the way for the Strategic Environmental Assessment that will accompany the draft Neighbourhood Plan -
Winchcombe and Sudeley Neighbourhood Development Plan Decision Statement
Prepared to satisfy the requirements of Section 38A(9) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) and Regulation 19(a) of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended)
The Decision Statement sets out Tewkesbury Borough Council’s considerations and formal decision in bringing the Winchcombe and Sudeley Neighbourhood Plan into legal force following the successful local referendum held on Thursday 24th November 2016. -
Winchcombe Park Area Detail 1
Drawing number 08.19 / 08 revision B, produced by Bellinger Design in October 2019 for Winchcombe Town Council -
Winchcombe Park Area Detail 2
Drawing number 08.19 / 09 revision B, produced by Bellinger Design in October 2019 for Winchcombe Town Council -
Winchcombe Park General Arrangement 1
Drawing number 08.19 / 06 revision B, produced by Bellinger Design in September 2019 for Winchcombe Town Council -
Winchcombe Park General Arrangement 2
Drawing number 08.19 / 07 revision B, produced by Bellinger Design in September 2019 for Winchcombe Town Council -
Winchcombe Park Key Plan
Drawing number 08.19 / 05 revision B, produced by Bellinger Design in September 2019 for Winchcombe Town Council -
Winchcombe Park Location Plan
Drawing produced by Bellinger Design in September 2019 for Winchcombe Town Council -
Winchcombe Town Council Vision Statement (adopted 4th March 2009)
This document aims to set out Winchcombe Town Council’s vision of how our parish should develop over the next four years
Policies and Documents Archive
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