Winchcombe Town Council


Playing Fields committee

Overall objectives

The Playing Fields Committee is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of King George V Playing Field, Jubilee Play Park, the Abbey Field and any other playing areas which may be transferred to Winchcombe Town Council.

Areas of responsibility

  • To maintain a good standard of appearance in all playing areas and the Abbey Field
  • To carry out weekly checks on equipment in Jubilee Play Park and King George V Playing Field and ensure all equipment complies with health and safety

Duties and powers

  • To set the budget for the Playing Fields Committee for the financial year
  • To determine how to spend money within the budget of the Playing Fields Committee on projects agreed by the Committee and, where necessary, full Council
  • To agree projects/activities for the Committee on an annual basis to ensure that maintenance and improvement of Winchcombe’s play areas continues in a co-ordinated manner
  • To ensure that annual safety checks and risk assessments are carried out by ROSPA on all equipment and any recommendations made are acted upon
  • To co-ordinate any further projects that the Council agrees should come under the remit of the Playing Fields Committee

Members of the Playing Fields committee are:

*Committee Chair

To view a list of archived minutes for the Playing Fields committee, please click here
Minutes are archived online for upto two years, where available